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Our Lapbook “All About Plants”

It is one of the best teaching resources out there to learn the basics about plants. They play such an important role on earth that children should learn at a young age why they matter.

All About Plants

How To Make a Lapbook


  • cardboard folder
  • lapbook templates
  • glue
  • colored pencils or markers

Print templates here:

What is included in the lapbook

“How Seeds Trave” – It explains how seeds fall from the mother plant to the ground.

Life Cycle of a Plant” – A pocket with a number of cards inside, explaining the growth of plants and beans from the early stages to their full grown size.

Plants That We Eat” – This book highlights the fruits and vegetables humans rely on for a balanced diet. There are three pictures of plants on each page. Children are encouraged to color all the foods and make the page colorful.

Need of a Plan” – A pocket full of knowledge explaining all the different reasons why plants exist, and what they need to exist (sun, rain, carbon dioxide and soil). The impact they make on life on earth.

“Parts of a plant” – There are many different important parts of a plant, and it’s important to know how it properly functions. From the flower to the root of the plant, it’s easy to learn exactly how they grow during their lifespan.

photo of the premade lapbook

lapbook look

Coloring Plants Lapbook

Coloring is a great way for preschool, kindergarten and elementary school children to show their creativity in a fun way. The entire lapbook can be colored using pencils or markers. Parents and teachers should offer a wide array of color choices so children can experience with just the right look.

The lapbook can be colored individually, or each page can be given to a particular person in a class.

painted lapbook

Lapbook's cover

How to Use the Lapbook

Teachers and parents can use this as an educational lesson, or just a passive way to learn while not in school. The lapbook teaches discipline and science, while allowing for pure creativity from a coloring aspect.

It is one of the best teaching resources out there to learn the basics about plants. They play such an important role on earth that children should learn at a young age why they matter.

The pockets on the lapbook allow for parents and teachers to also add their own information if they wish. It can be customized very easily.